Leith, Jenny, Jonah, Nakayla & Chayton


  1. There was a clear introduction to the topic and their problem, they also introduced themselves, and there was a land acknowledgment. I noticed that all the presenters had their heads down and were reading off of a script, however, they all spoke loudly and clearly throughout the entire presentation. There was a PowerPoint, there were complimenting images and additional text. The PowerPoint was aesthetic, it flowed nicely and was easy to read. There were no spelling mistakes or speech discrepancies. The entire presentation was laid out in an organized manner, it was easy to follow given the audience. The team showed enthusiasm when presenting and was pleasant to listen to. The resources used were credible and evidence-based, they were all within five years of publication and there were a minimum of 10 references. All 3 solutions were relevant to the population/topic. The solutions were also feasible given the situation, which was physiotherapy, with a limitation of finances. I wish as an audience member that there was an interactive activity, just to cut the presentation up halfway through because the presentation can become long and a bit repetitive. Therefore, I think an interactive activity can help engage the audience and further supplement the audience’s learning. Throughout the presentation, there was a clear introduction and conclusion and I appreciated the questions/debrief at the end. The team was clearly knowledgeable about their topic, and they answered and responded to feedback and questions constructively. Great work on your presentation and good work throughout the semester.

  2. The power point presentation was easy to follow and without too much writing. The pictures and graphics used in the presentation were relevant to the topic. Speakers read off their own scripts instead of reading off word-for-word on the slides. Each presenter spoke an equal amount. The presenters spoke clearly, at a good pace, and loud enough that I could hear at the back of the class. The speakers looked up often towards the audience to check in.
    The problem was clearly addressed, and the presenters used relevant statistics to relay this. The problem was followed up with an environmental scan. The environmental scan was explained and how each component of the scan impacted the older adult’s health. I liked that it was a world-wide scan and not just focused on Canada. Some of the components of the scan seemed like they were possible solutions to the problem, falls. It would have been nice to see some specific organizations listed in the environmental scan instead of what felt more like ideas or solutions. To me some of these felt like ways to reduce falls and not an environmental scan.

    The solutions proposed by the group were realistic. I did feel like some of the solutions were already clearly available in Canada/Kamloops and were also mentioned in the environmental scan (solutions 1 and 3). The group clearly stated strengths and challenges for all proposed solutions.

    Solution 1: Solution one was mobility aids for reducing falls. One of the challenges listed to this solution was cost. In BC the government will pay for the cheapest specific type of medical device if a person has no family or funds to help them purchase it as long as it was prescribed by a physician, nurse practitioner, or relevant therapist. I did like that the group found an international organization to compare with.
    Solution 2: I do agree that nutrition is a place where seniors often fall short due to many factors. Again, it was nice to see an international comparison for this proposed solution. I would have liked to see the group propose their own solution to lack of nutrition/ available meals to seniors.
    Solution 3: The priority solution, physiotherapy in the home is extremely important to those who have fallen or are at risk to fall. I think the strengths brought forward by the group for this solution were highly valuable, such as, it being accessible and adaptable. A physiotherapist would be able to do more specific exercises with a client, but home health care aids are able to do SAIL exercises in the home with clients, so there is something similar put in place already.

    The reference list the group provided was relevant and all recent (within the last five years). It was nice to have it on the power point and on a separate document. The citations throughout the powerpoint were done correctly and did not make the power point look too cluttered.

    Overall, I thought the presentation was well done, feasible, and focused on a specific population.

  3. The presentation was well organized, the introduction and description were well identified. They identified the population and issues and each was well explained and tied in with the environmental scan. The team identified very well on how and where the population is effected and how each of the solutions would be implemented. Each of their solution did have comparisons locally and included how each could benefit from the priority solutions. The presentation had many lovely intriguing pictures and the colours flowed well with the theme.
    The main solution outlined what is in the literature and how the population and the institutions would benefit from the main solution. The main solution still gave the population autonomy in their health which is very imported and the group outlined this very well in their explanation.
    Strengths and challenges were well outlined and was backed up by the literature with each having a comparison. Each solutions outlined how the main program could expand and how it could be implemented within the Kamloops Interior Health area. The group gave an overall understanding of the population and were very enthusiastic for how the population lives and how they could be further supported.
    Presenters were clear and concise with their words and answered questions in an appropriate manner.
    The literature could have included qualitative literature where the population could have been more implemented to include how the populations felt about their situation. Like was this program piloted locally? The presentation could have implemented more local information and possibly dug deeper and been more relevant to the Kamloops area. Although understanding that there might not be as much information out there is a gap that can be addressed in future research. Overall great job friends!!

  4. Hi group,

    Thank you for a lovely presentation. Feedback for the presentation will be based on the content, aesthetic and references used.

    To begin with, the content of the presentation was clearly introduced at the beginning of the presentation, with a scenario that was appropriate and realistic for this population. Clear definition was given on the term ‘older adult’, with relevance to Canada as well as up to date statistics that tie in with the scenario given. This allowed listeners to stay engaged with current and real-life information. The way presenters tied in personal experiences throughout the presentation but especially during the environmental made the information relatable and painted a picture of key concepts presented. The three solutions chosen from the environmental scan were great. Mobility aids being the first solution gave a practical and effective approach to the case presented. Although the research that was presented was from a different country, presenters were still able to tie it back to local resources while keeping the general concept of the solution. The second solution, nutrition was another comprehensive solution. Presenters were able to compare and contrast between 2 meals on wheels programs and acknowledge gaps that were present in the one available in Kamloops. Finally, the last and priority solution being physiotherapy in the home was exceptional. I particularly appreciated the emphasis put on the fact that physiotherapy would not only be post-injury but also pre-fall as well and as stated, this would help with reducing costs to the healthcare system in the long run. The integration of both historical and statistical facts made for strong points for making this solution a priority. The reasoning as to why this was chosen as a priority were realistic as presenters talked about how this program is individualized, it would involve high engagement and trust, increase accessibility as it would be home based and meeting the client where they are at and lastly reducing injuries in the long run. While strengths make for this solution to be feasible, presenters also acknowledged general challenges but also specific ones to this area as well.

    The slides were aesthetically pleasing. Font size and colors chosen were appropriate. The land acknowledgement at the beginning of the presentation was appreciated. The addition of pictures was a great touch. I loved the cover image you chose; hilarious but lovely. I also appreciated the fact that you added the logo’s to each solution you had. The layout of the information being in point form was good as it did not distract the audience and allowed for listeners to focus on the presenters.

    The references used were relevant and up-to-date. There were a variety of different types of references used, from journal articles and government websites to studies. This gives a well rounded approach to your findings and provides evidence based research.

    Overall, great presentation. Thanks!

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