Our group greatly appreciates all of the feedback provided. We have considered all points. Firstly, we have adjusted our font size to support readability. We have increased the font size from 9 to 14 as well as adjusted format to accommodate such. We have changed our abbreviations to create continuity throughout the poster. We have taken into consideration feedback regarding expansion on specific points of our interrelationships and have applied this. We have chosen not to add additional points to perspectives and boundaries as we feel we have touched on the points needed within our story. Additionally, our understanding of expectations supports simplified points to be made on the poster and the elaboration will be made in later steps throughout the project. The poster to us is an outline for everything we have examined and the expansion on each point will be made during the presentation and during later steps in the process. We have been purposeful in our simplicity to avoid complication and this supports the poster being an outline and supportive tool. We have added vancouver style in text citations to utilize more information to support our analysis. We have now incorporated all 10 of our references throughout our poster, and included a reference page.