Jillian, Kristin, Jakob & Shivani

Our group took into heavy consideration the feedback we received from our peers. The feedback, overall, was generally positive. However, there were suggestions we might not have identified and applied to our poster without the help of our peers. Starting off, ImmunizeBC and BCCDC are not affiliated with the poster, so both organizations’ logos were removed from the poster. We believe leaving the logos on the poster would give the notion or idea that ImmunizeBC and the BCCDC made the poster. Placed where the logos once were is a scenario which gives context behind the parent, child, and nurse. Adding context helps lead up to the interrelationships, perspectives, and boundaries between all three parties and how they were formed. Regarding the aesthetic, the arrows were darkened to emphasize the relationship between the three parties and so they could not be missed by the reader. There were two suggestions regarding the aesthetic we did not take into consideration. One being, the text within the blue bubbles should be darker to improve visibility. We did not find this to be true even when looking at the poster from a distance; there was no difficulty reading the words. The second is, that there are too many fonts. The various fonts compartmentalize and visually categorize information and give a well-rounded appearance. The wording and phrasing of the poster were left the same. When finishing our draft poster, the entire group was immensely proud of our work in these two categories. Our sentences were brief, to the point, and comprehensible. However, this did not stop us from nitpicking and scrutinizing our work. While finalizing our finished poster, we could not find any issues or discrepancies with the wording and phrasing, nor could our peers, so they were left untouched. Overall, it was a great experience creating the poster and implementing our peers’ feedback and our own into the final product.

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