Include a summary ⇒ This suggestion was incorporated to better tie our poster together.
Make your poster less wordy ⇒ This suggestion was incorporated in order to improve the readability of the poster.
Format “Perspectives” section to improve flow ⇒ This suggestion was incorporated to improve the readability of the poster.
Make wording more professional (ie remove “can’t”, explain some abbreviations) ⇒ This suggestion was incorporated in order to improve the readability of the poster.
Include references ⇒ This suggestion was implemented as ten scholarly references are needed as per the Poster Rubric.
Post poster in a way that does not require the viewer to download the poster ⇒ This suggestion was incorporated to improve the interaction between the viewer and the poster.
Include solutions to the problem analyzed ⇒ This suggestion was omitted as it is not needed as per the Poster Rubric.
Make pictures more appropriate to the topic ⇒ This suggestion was somewhat incorporated based on the new layout of our poster.
Include charts, graphs, or diagrams ⇒ This suggestion was incorporated to improve the readability of the poster.
Edit title to better reflect the specificity of the draft poster ⇒ This suggestion was omitted as we instead made the poster itself more generalized, which made the title better reflect the content.